
化学是研究物质、物质的组成部分、物质的性质和行为的学科. Because it focuses on the central nature of physical matter, chemistry is considered a foundational science, one that can help with understanding the natural world. 在十大赌博平台排行榜, 您将在化学方面获得坚实的基础,同时获得广泛的文科教育,将科学教育纳入生活和社会的背景下. 





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The 化学系 promotes ethical, 通过严谨的化学科学教学方法,培养学生成为科学的最佳实践者. 

多样性、公平和包容 Statements

DEI对堪萨斯卫斯理的愿景是促进平等、包容的多元化文化, 诚信和合作,加深理解,拥抱跨文化和全球 experiences for students, faculty and staff.

The 化学系 at 十大赌博平台排行榜 seeks to generate and 为所有学生维持一个包容、多元和公平的学习环境. As a department we wish to promote excellence in all of our students’ academic pursuits. The department is guided by the mission of 十大赌博平台排行榜 “to promote and integrate academic excellence, spiritual 发展, personal well-being, and social responsibility” for all of its students.



Students who complete the Bachelor of Science in 化学 should be able to: 

  • 利用批判性思维和科学过程解决定性和定量问题.
  • 安全开展科学研究, 既有文献,也有实验室, and write reports and/or give presentations based on that research.
  • 了解科学在现代社会中的作用,能够识别化学对我们世界的积极和消极影响.
  • 理解和解释与化学不同部门相关的概念和过程. 


化学化学120概念-秋季 & 春天

这是一门入门课程,介绍无机化学的基本知识,并简要讨论有机化学和生物化学的概念. 本课程为CHEM 123普通化学I的备考,满足护理教育和健康认证的要求. 包括实验室.

化学123一般化学I -秋天

The course is designed for chemistry majors and minors, pre-health专业人士, 生物学, 物理和工程预科学生. The emphasis includes atomic and molecular structures, 周期性, 化学 reactions and quantitative relationships. 包括实验室. 前提条件:一年的高中化学或化学120和高中代数或数学116.

化学124一般化学II -弹簧

This course is a continuation of CHEM 123. The emphasis includes equilibria, kinetics and redox chemistry. 包括实验室. 前提条件:CHEM 123.

CHEM 130法医科学-按需

Forensic science is the study and application of science to the processes of law, 涉及到收藏, 检查, evaluation and interpretation of evidence. 本课程旨在让学生熟悉美国司法体系中法医学的基本原理和应用. The course will review the basic applications of the physical, 化学, 生物, medical and behavioral sciences to questions of evidence and law. 学生应掌握法医学的能力和局限性的基本理解,因为他们目前的实践.

CHEM 221 Quantitative Analysis — Even Year 春天

这门课程涉及理论, 容积法的方法和技术, 重量和仪器分析. 数据统计分析, multiple equilibria in aqueous systems and use of the engineering cycle in selection, 发展, implementation and evaluation of an analytical process are included. 包括实验室. 先决条件:CHEM 124.


CHEM 290 Independent Study — Variable Credit — 对需求

See Alternate Means to Academic Credit for a more detailed description

CHEM 299 Undergraduate Research — 对需求

学生将在化学系指导下参与一项原创的化学研究项目. Progress of work will be presented at a biweekly research seminar. A written report detailing work completed, ACS期刊格式, will be submitted to the faculty advisor at the end of the semester. May be repeated once for a total of two credits. 前提条件:教师同意.

化学300有机化学I - Fall

The course involves a systematic study of organic compounds including their structures, 制备方法, properties and an analysis of important reaction mechanisms. 将强调解决问题的能力. 先决条件:CHEM 124 or consent of instructor.

CHEM 310 Organic Laboratory Techniques — Fall

This laboratory course will deal with simple organic techniques, such as (i) determination of physical properties e.g., 熔点, 沸点, 折射率, (ii)通过(a)重结晶和(b)简单蒸馏和分馏提纯有机化合物, (iii) isolation of organic compounds of 生物 importance by extraction, (iv) identification of organic compounds by simple 化学 tests, (五)简单有机合成. Prerequisite of CHEM 124 or consent of instructor.

化学311实验室安全 & 维护-甚至一年春天

包括维护和操作化学实验室的程序以及安全程序, 存储, handling and disposal of 化学s and hazardous materials. 先决条件:CHEM 124.

CHEM 320 Organic 化学 II —  春天

This course is a continuation of Organic 化学 I, 重点是有机合成, reaction mechanisms and structural determinations. 先决条件:CHEM 300.

CHEM 323 Inorganic 化学 — Odd Year 春天

Modern concepts and theories of inorganic chemistry are taught, plus a systematic survey of the elements, 它们的化合物和化学性质. 先决条件:CHEM 124.

CHEM 330有机合成 & 光谱学-弹簧

本有机实验室将着重于不同功能族的新型有机化合物的合成及其反应. Isolation and purification of reaction product of synthetic importance. Detailed study of spectroscopic techniques, 比如红外线, 紫外可见, 质量和核磁共振. 通过红外和核磁共振光谱的解释表征和鉴定未知有机化合物. 先决条件:CHEM 300 or consent of instructor.

CHEM 386 The Wesleyan Journey —  对需求

This course combines service-learning with travel, 国内或国外, to provide students an opportunity to strengthen values and abilities, in addition to learning specific academic content. The service projects will be linked to the academic content of the class, 这门课程可能需要一门必修课程或单独的专题课程. 积分根据旅程的长度而有所不同,并且可能涉及额外的旅行费用. Prerequisite: INTD 110 is recommended but not required for this course.

化学410生物化学I -奇数年秋季

This course is an introduction to biochemistry from a 化学 perspective. Topics covered include the structure and function of amino acids and proteins; enzyme catalytic strategies and mechanisms; membrane structure and function; function and structure of biomolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids and vitamins; acidity and basicity in relation to amino acids and buffer systems; structure and function of nucleic acids in RNA and DNA; DNA replication and transcription; and separation and isolation of proteins and amino acids utilizing various chromatographic techniques. Satisfies as credit for the chemistry major and biomedical chemistry major. Prerequisite or in concurrent enrollment in CHEM 300.

CHEM 420 Biochemistry II — Even Year 春天

本课程是从化学角度介绍生物化学,是CHEM410生物化学I的延续. Topics covered include membrane structure and transport, 免疫反应, 代谢热力学, 糖酵解, 柠檬酸循环, processes of electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. 先决条件:CHEM 410.

CHEM 427 Physical 化学 I —  Odd Year Fall

物理化学I是研究经典热力学及其在平衡和电化学中的应用. 包括实验室. Prerequisite: MATH 145 and CHEM 124 or consent of the instructor.

CHEM 460实习-按需


Discussion on topics of current interest in chemistry and related fields. 先决条件:CHEM 124.


独立学习包括研究、阅读或其他学术调查或创造性工作. 更详细的说明,请参阅学术学分的替代方法下的独立研究.


本课程旨在帮助学生学习并运用适当而有效的设计方法, 进行, analyzing and presenting original chemistry research. 需要一个有指导的研究项目,包括一份书面研究论文和一份口头报告. The course is to be taken during the sophomore/senior year.



In addition to studying the nuts and bolts of chemistry, 您将获得动手实验室经验和机会进行研究和工作或实习在萨利纳地区健康中心或当地的环境和医学测试实验室之一. 您还将获得教师的个人指导,他们将帮助您从众多可供勤奋的化学毕业生选择的职业中选择合适的职业.


化学俱乐部是一个学生的聚会,他们喜欢所有的科学领域,但特别喜欢化学. 我们的俱乐部通过科学奥林匹克竞赛等活动来传播我们对科学的热爱, 在社区内进行示范,并为低年级学生举办实验日. 我们也参与狮子会的当地分会,透过募款活动为我们的社区提供支援.


化学 graduates from KWU have had great success in medical, 兽医, 药店, 牙科和其他相关专业学校的联合卫生领域和实验室. Our students have gone on to graduate studies in 化学 engineering, 物理化学, 密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校等机构的法医科学和分析化学, 拉马尔大学, 堪萨斯州立大学, 加州大学和其他大学.